The Inner Workings of a Law Firm

The Inner Workings of a Law Firm

  • Are You A Single Parent With A Young Child And No Will? What To Know

    If you haven't created a will in your lifetime and you have a child that doesn't have another parent in their life, it's imperative that you sit down with a wills and trusts attorney. You want to know that your child isn't going to become a child of the state and that one of your family members won't have to fight with the courts to get custody. You also want to make sure that you have everything in line financially to help care for your child if something does happen.

  • Prerequisites For Getting Workers Compensation Related To Preexisting Injuries

    If you are injured in a workplace accident, and you have a preexisting injury, you are entitled to compensation just like other victims without preexisting injuries. However, there might be a few legal conditions for your compensation. For example, depending on your jurisdiction, you might only be compensated if: Your Work Has Aggravated Your Prior Injuries In most states, employers are required to hire employees on an "as is" basis, so to speak.

  • Don't Fall Victim To These 3 Car Accident Misconceptions

    If faced with the ramifications of a car accident, it's all too easy to sit back and allow the insurance companies to hash out the details of the settlement. You should know, however, that insurance companies are not on your side, and they have an express interest in paying out as little as possible for your claim. Be sure that you get involved in the claim process by knowing the 3 common misconceptions about car accidents.

  • Furniture Tip-Over Accident: What Every Parent Should Know

    Every parent wants their child to have fun and be safe. Unfortunately, this isn't always possible. It is a sad but true fact of life that accidents can happen anywhere and at any time. With the way children love to climb and play, furniture related accidents are more common than people realize. All parents should take preventive measures to decrease the chances of this happening, but being prepared for the aftermath can be just as important.

  • 2 Common Methods Of Divorcing

    The various challenges of relationships can make seeing eye-to-eye a real struggle.  This may eventually cause the end of a legal union. If you and your spouse aren't getting along, you may want to consider the types of ways to put an end to the marriage. This can assist in preparing you for the inevitable and enable you to be well prepared in advance. Contested divorce One of the most challenging ways to legally end a marriage could be the contested divorce.

About Me

The Inner Workings of a Law Firm

We all know that lawyers are professionals who help people interpret and work with the law, but do you know how a law firm works from the inside out? I am a professional paralegal, and I have worked in both large and small law firms during my career. I can tell you that a successful law firm needs more than just lawyers to keep it running smoothly, and sometimes things can get really crazy! Take a tour through a law firm in my blog, and find out what really goes on behind the scenes of an active and successful law firm.